

Corporate Name Japan Association for Development of Community Medicine
Date of foundation May 15th, 1986
Founded as Incorporated Association Japan Association for Development of Community Medicine
Dec 1st, 2009
Transition to a public-interest incorporated association
Corporate Executive Officers Chairman
Masanobu Kawakami
Cheif Executive officer
Michiyasu Yoshiara
Headquarter Kaiun Bldg. 4F, Hirakawa-cho 2-6-4, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0093 Japan
Phone: +81-3-5210-2921
Fax: +81-3-5210-2924
Number of members 1,670
*Including1,634 regular members
Number of employees 9,625
*Regular employees only
Number of authorized hospital beds 5,264
Number of authorized clinic beds 129
Number of admission capacity of geriatric health service facility 1,471


Ordinary revenue

Ordinary revenue

Numbers of employees by job classification

Numbers of employees by job classification