Our Business

Meeting diverse needs for community medicine

JADECOM operates hospitals, clinics, and complex facilities in various communities in all over Japan. JADECOM meet the needs of those communities, with hospitals which provide emergency treatment in urban areas, hospitals which take a major role in communities, facilities which provide comprehensive care in communities, and clinics in mountainous rural areas and isolated islands.

JADECOM will do its best with each local government that are struggling to secure medical care, to provide high-quality medical services.

JADECOM wants to support the life of people in their communities and revitalize those communities by operating medical facilities.

Dispatching doctors to rural areas

Supporting communities facing difficult medical situation

Result of dispatching doctors to rural areas

JADECOM receives many requests from local government and facilities every year to dispatch doctors. JADECOM is doing its best to meet as many of those requests as possible. In FY2023, the result of dispatching doctors from operating facilities reached a total of 1,813 doctor-days, and approximately a quarter of JADECOM full-time doctors were involved in dispatch activities.

When the Great East Japan Earthquake happened, all JADECOM staff came together to support Onagawa Municipal Hospital, located in the east part of Miyagi prefecture. (Emergency dispatch days reached 3,201 person-days by the end of September 2011), and JADECOM took over the hospital management as a first designated manager in the disaster area in October 2011. Through operating Onagawa Community Medical Center, JADECOM is now contributing to the revival of the disaster area.

Support for rural areas

Support for rural areas

Support for Onagawa Municipal when the Great East Japan Earthquake

Support for Onagawa Municipal when the Great East Japan Earthquakec

Human resource development

Nurturing the generalists essential to community medicine

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Generalists have an important role in community medicine, meeting various needs in each community and appropriately handling all kinds of problems. JADECOM prepares specialized programs that make use of the diverse medical resources of communities, and nurtures the generalists leading community medicine.

Taking in junior residents at seven teaching hospitals, JADECOM deliver tailored training, such as providing programs in rural mountain areas and isolated islands. For senior residents, JADECOM provide attractive training programs in partnership with various organizations, including overseas partner universities. These include the “Community Medicine Program,” which develops family doctors for communities, and training program for the specialists of hospitals.

Nurturing the nurses who support community medicine

Since FY2012, JADECOM has begun running two nurses' schools to train and develop the nurses who help to support community medicine. Together with an expert educational curriculum, JADECOM provides nursing training that makes use of the JADECOM facilities to develop nurses who will not just help patients, but also support their families and communities.

Saitama Nurses school

Nara City Nurses school

JADECOM is entrusted with
educational operations by Nara city.